Use "stridor|stridors" in a sentence

1. 2 Clinical presentation includes dyspnea at exertion, stridor, and wheezing.

2. Respiratory symptoms and signs that may be present include shortness of breath, wheezes, or stridor.

3. Crowing: Cantus galli, laryngismus stridulus Pediatrics Noisy respiratory 'cawing', stridor and severe respiratory distress Crowing, causes of Congenital laryngeal stridor Crowing may be the first sign of congenital epiglottic and superglottic deformity or flabbiness–laryngomalacia and tracheomalacia with collapse and partial inspiratory

4. 22 Symptoms of anaphylaxis may include hives, pruritis, flushing, dyspnea, wheeze, stridor, syncope, crampy abdominal pain, and vomiting.

5. 12 Symptoms of anaphylaxis may include hives, pruritis, flushing, dyspnea, wheeze, stridor, syncope, crampy abdominal pain, and vomiting.

6. Arytenoid chondritis → loss of Arytenoid abduction → reduction in laryngeal luminal diameter → restricted airflow → reduced exercise capacity and inspiratory stridor at speed

7. Initial Airway assessment involves evaluating for Airway obstruction or patency which can be determined by assessing for snoring, stridor, drooling, hoarseness, edema, and facial trauma or burns